At the workshop in Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin, we are fully equipped for all guitar repair tasks and we specialise in re-frets and set-ups. Structural damage, structural modifications, neck resets and full restorations are all possible. Here are some categories which deal which specific areas…

Setup & maintenance
This area covers general maintenance and guitar setup. It also covers basic modifications such as replacing tuners and pickup installation.

More Complicated Repairs
This area covers refrets, neck resets and other major structural work. There are also some complicated repairs in the Strat/Tele section.

Headstock Breaks
Most headstock breaks can be fixed. This section is dedicated to the subject and explains the different gluing procedures and demonstrates specially designed clamping fixtures.

Strat / Tele Repairs
I’ve worked on many pre CBS and newer model Fender guitars. This section covers the tricky task of replacing a damaged fingerboard on any Fender guitar, including veneered fingerboards.